

This plugin adds support to display Balance-TOP on holograms, it also adds support for any PAPi placeholder to be used on holograms. And ability to use some NONPlayer related PAPi placeholders on holograms without ProtocolLib.


  • Balance top up to inf amount

  • Format balances on balance-top

  • Use non-player related PAPi placeholders on holograms without protocolLib

  • Use any PAPi placeholder on holograms.

  • Playtime top up to inf amount


  1. Q: My plugin doesn't start and i get weird error on startup (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/comphenix/protocol/events/PacketListener) A: Make sure that ProtocolLib is installed.

  2. Q: How to setup baltop? A: You use placeholders as text on holograms.

Last updated